Welcome to Master Comfort Inn
A 24 Hr.365 day Venture which offers Fabulous Apartments that are an elegant alternative for the expensive hotel stay, and are fast emerging as the preferred and popular choices of long-stay executives, NRIs and other frequent travelers, and are a boon to people relocating specially with families and school going kids. We provide all the exclusive conveniences of a hotel with the privacy and warmth of a home. We offer you more space, more privacy, and more congeniality at a cheaper rate as compared to any luxury hotel, or budget hotel, or any other convenient accommodation.
Our well-established, luxury Service Apartments are aesthetically very pleasing, furnished lavishly and exquisitely, and are located very conveniently in the heart of the city, walking distances away from the main Business centers, Shopping malls, Restaurants, and the Entertainment centers of the city. Most of our Apartments are available for one night to one year.
Our Service Apartments are well furnished and well-equipped with basic and exclusive amenities, in order to offer you home like comfort and feel. Our well planned Service Apartments are fully air-conditioned and attached bath, fully equipped kitchen, color TV, fridge, washing machine, locker, telephone connection, laundry services, Internet connectivity, cent per cent power back-up, 24-hours security, fire safety and private parking.